Introduction: The management of strength training variables and chronic exposure to high intensities and physiological training loads can impact the prevalence of musculoskeletal injuries in powerlifting athletes.
Objective: To estimate the prevalence of injuries in Brazilian powerlifting athletes, and subsequently identify strength training variables that predict the prevalence of musculoskeletal injuries.
Methods: Observational, sectional study with a convenience sample, which included 37 male powerlifting athletes. The prevalence of musculoskeletal injuries (outcome) was self-reported and aspects of training practices were examined in relation to the occurrence of injuries. To detect the predictive variables of the prevalence of injuries, multivariate logistic regression (stepwise forward) was used and the odds ratio (OR) and the determination coefficient (R² of Nagelkerke) were calculated.
Results: The average age of the sample was 32.10 (± 7.53) years and the average experience time was 8.76 (± 3.54) years. Age (OR 1.23; 95% CI [1.11-1.41]), sessions per week (OR 8.66; 95% CI [3.06-32.55]) and use of chains (OR 6.50 ; 95% CI [1.86-26.04]) determined 48% of the prevalence of musculoskeletal injuries in powerlifting athletes (R²=0.48). The lumbopelvic joint (66.67% articular + 18.20% muscular) and glenohumeral (24.24% articular + 42.42% muscular) were the regions with the highest prevalence of injury among athletes.
Conclusion: The results corroborate previous studies and indicate that adequate volume and intensity management and monitoring of predictive factors for injuries are recommended both to increase performance and to mitigate the prevalence of musculoskeletal injuries in powerlifting athletes.
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