Exercícios Físicos, Aptidão Cardiopulmonar e Estado Nutricional em Militares do Segmento Feminino do Exército Brasileiro
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Physical Training
Physical Activity

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Rodrigo Rosa, G. ., Peres, J. ., Linck , J., A. de Moraes , J. ., Aristides Dias Carneiro, L. ., Ferreira , M., A. de Souza , R. ., da Luz , R., & de Almeida Magalhães Oliveira , E. (2020). Exercícios Físicos, Aptidão Cardiopulmonar e Estado Nutricional em Militares do Segmento Feminino do Exército Brasileiro. Journal of Physical Education, 74(3). Retrieved from https://revistadeeducacaofisica.emnuvens.com.br/revista/article/view/2649


In view of the increasing number of women who enter the Brazilian Army, this study seeks to find the profile of physical training carried out by the feminine segment, as well as the inter-relation with the nutritional state, expressed by the Index of Body Mass (IBM) and physical conditioning, expressed by the 12 minute run. The work has, as a sample, the data bank generated by “Project TAF 2001”, through the records of 1201 soldiers of the feminine segment, in the 36 largest Military Garrisons of the Brazilian Army. The body mass was measured, together with the stature of the evaluated. As well as this, the maximum consumption of oxygen (VO2max) was measured indirectly, on the basis of the Cooper test (12 minutes). Taking into consideration the duration, the frequency and the intensity, only 43.7% of the soldiers of the feminine segment carried out the sessions preconized by the C 20-20 Manual. Based on the IBM, 27.2 % presented excess weight. The majority of soldiers (54%) presented VO2max classified as reasonable or average, and 24.1% were classified as having weak or very weak aerobic potency. Hyperactivity was an important behavior factor in the development of overweight and obesity, showing physical activity as a considerable component in improving VO2max. The recommendations regarding the frequency, duration and intensity of exercise (30 to 60 minutes, 3 to 5 days a week with moderate intensity) appeared to meet the needs of the soldiers, as far as promotion of health is concerned.

PDF (Português (Brasil))
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