Introduction: Introduction: In early January 2020, diffuse news emerged about a new disease, which soon turned into a pandemic.
Objective: To examine the historical development of this health problem and to identify the possible effects on the practice of physical activity.
Methods: A search was made under the terms "CoViD-19 or SARS-Cov2 or coronavirus" and "WHO" and "2020" on Google Web and Scholar and PubMed. In this research was included: scientific articles published, recommendations from the World Health Organization (WHO) and newspaper articles.
Results and Discussion: Results and Discussion: The first months of the year were characterized by a period of great apprehension, given the confrontation of the new, and potentially deadly, disease. With the development of clinical and experimental knowledge, the mechanisms of the disease were being unraveled and the ways to treat/prevent CoViD-19 were being established. WHO recommendations regarding the use of protective masks during physical activity were identified.
Conclusion: Conclusion: The consequences of the pandemic affected all sectors of human life, affecting productivity. It is likely that the prevalence of sedentary lifestyle has increased in all parts of the globe, however, the impacts on the practice of physical activity, whose health benefits are well established in the literature, have not yet been examined.
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