Introduction: The relative age effect (RAE) can be understood as the difference in the chronological age of individuals born in the same year of selection, as well as by the maturational advantages in relation to their peers born in the same year, which seems to favor the performance for certain sports categories.
Objective: To verify the presence of the RAE in swimmers who participated in the 2017 Budapest World Aquatics Championship.
Methods: Retrospective sectional study, which used secondary data of 983 swimming athletes that was integrate the 30 best athletes from each event of the 2017 world championship. The chi-square test was used with 2x2 proportion analysis with Bonferroni correction between each quartile.
Results: The results showed that the RAE was not verified when analysing the sex, but this effect was observed according to types of competition (sprint events; p=0.02) and competition phases (preliminaries and semi-final; p=0.01).
Conclusion: It was concluded that there was RAE in sprinters and in the participants of the preliminaries and semi-final phases. It is suggested that further studies be developed considering subsequent championships to observe this effect.
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