Introduction: Low levels of activity can negatively affect the quality of sleep whose dysfunctions can increase the risks in military operational activities.
Objective: To examine the association of physical activity level with sleep quality in young Brazilian Army soldiers.
Methods: Cross-sectional study carried out with 68 military men aged 18 to 21 years. The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index was used to assess sleep quality, the short version of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire and the adapted version of the Kasari Fit Index were used to assess the Physical Activity Level and Index (LAI), respectively. Statistical analysis used the Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests, Spearman, Mann-Whitney and Chi-square correlation tests, SPSS 21.0 software and a significance level of p<0.05.
Results: The analysis showed a significant association between the level of physical activity and the sleep quality of the sample, where χ2(1)=6.858, p= 0.009. In addition, there was a statistically significant difference in the LAI of the participants classified as having good and poor sleep, with a moderate negative correlation between the physical activity index and the sleep quality scores (ρ(68) = -0.557, p<0.001 ) so that the higher the LAI, the lower the sleep quality scores.
Conclusion: The results point to a positive association between physical activity and sleep quality in military personnel, where higher levels and indices of physical activity are associated with better sleep quality.
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