Quality of Life, Anxiety and Depression in Amateur Futsal Athletes During the CoViD-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Study
REF / JPE 2022; 91, 3
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Fernandes, C. C., Castro, J. B. P. de, Silva, G. C. P. S. M. da, Silva, Y. R. L., Oliveira, J. G. M. de, Santos, A. O. B. dos, Gama, D. R. N. da, & Vale, R. G. de S. (2023). Quality of Life, Anxiety and Depression in Amateur Futsal Athletes During the CoViD-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of Physical Education, 91(3), 280–287. https://doi.org/10.37310/ref.v91i3.2854


Introduction: Due to the pandemic caused by CoViD-19, futsal training and competitions were suspended for a long time, and it was necessary to investigate the mental health and quality of life of futsal athletes.

Objective: To analyze the associations of quality of life, levels of anxiety and depression during the pandemic in amateur futsal athletes.

Methods: Cross-sectional study comprising 52 amateur female futsal athletes (26.54±6.71) residing in the state of Rio de Janeiro. The World Health Organization Quality of Life questionnaire – abbreviated version (WHOQOL-Breve) was applied to assess quality of life and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression (HAD) scale to analyze the level of anxiety and depression. Both instruments were applied using the Google Forms tool.

Results: There was a positive correlation between anxiety levels and depression levels (p<0.001; r=0.801) and a negative correlation between futsal practice time and anxiety symptoms (p=0.009; r=-0.359) and total anxiety score and depression (p=0.020; r=-0.320). Furthermore, negative correlations were found between levels of anxiety (p=0.005; r=-0.386) and depression (p=0.003; r=-0.407) with perceived quality of life.

Conclusion: the study points out that a greater perception of the levels of quality of life of amateur futsal athletes is related to lower levels of anxiety and depression. The importance of analyzes on the psychological conditions in the lives of athletes is raised, in which the reduction of anxiety levels may be related to the longer time of futsal practice.

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