Introduction: Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the scenario in which Physical Education professionals work has undergone changes. With gyms closed and the fear of contamination, the search for physical exercises that could be performed without leaving home increased during the pandemic. As a result, Physical Education professionals had to adapt to serve their students online.
Objective: To identify the motivational factors and level of motivation of strength training practitioners conducted in person and online.
Methods: Observational study, with a convenience sample, in which 35 individuals who practice bodybuilding were selected to participate. To identify the motivational aspects, present during strength training conducted online and in person, a questionnaire was administered over six training sessions.
Results: The results showed that face-to-face training brings more motivation to the student, having more driving factors for conducting physical exercises, providing an environment conducive to greater sociability between practitioners. For men and women, improving health, pleasure, stress control and aesthetics are factors especially important for practicing physical exercise.
Conclusion: According to the results found, although no differences were observed in the frequency and duration of training sessions, training conducted in person can be considered more motivating, as this is a training format conducive to greater sociability among exercise practitioners. physical exercises.
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