Supervised Internship in Physical Education: Proposals for Supervision and Performance in The Area of Exercise Prescription
REF / JPE 2022; 91, 3
pdf (Português (Brasil))


physical education
physical exercise
supervised internship
professional training

How to Cite

Rosa, G. (2023). Supervised Internship in Physical Education: Proposals for Supervision and Performance in The Area of Exercise Prescription. Journal of Physical Education, 91(3), 288–292.


Introduction: The supervised internship (SI), in addition to academic requirement, is a possibility for the student to experience professional practice, allowing the development of skills such as creativity, independence and leadership, essential for student training.

Objective: To present proposals for the performance of Physical Education teachers in the role of internship supervisors in exercise prescription, as well as for the performance of students, as trainees, to promote the best use of the opportunities offered in the SI training.

Conclusion: The action guided by the proposals of this comment allows the optimization and the best use of the time allocated to the SI, stimulating and enriching the formation of the student through facilitating actions of fixation of the theoretical content and its practical application.
pdf (Português (Brasil))


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