Prevalence of High Risk for Coronary Heart Disease According to Different Anthropometric Parameters in Brazilian Army military personnel: A Population-Based Study
REF-JPE v.92 n.1 (2023)
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cardiovascular risk
coronary heart disease
military personnel

How to Cite

Cunha, R. S. P. da, Lilian, & Waissmann, W. (2023). Prevalence of High Risk for Coronary Heart Disease According to Different Anthropometric Parameters in Brazilian Army military personnel: A Population-Based Study. Journal of Physical Education, 92(1), 54–65.


Introduction: Obesity can be considered as a limiting factor for professional performance, with is emphasized for the military career. That is because for military personnel best performance health and physical fitness are essential requirements.

Objective: To compare the prevalence of high risk of coronary heart disease (HRCHD) using anthropometric indicators: Body Mass Index (BMI), Conicity Index (C Index), waist circumference (WC), Indicative Body Fat Index (IGC) ) and waist-to-height ratio (WHtR) in Brazilian Army (EB) soldiers.

Methods: Cross-sectional study, with a random population sample, consisting of 49,414 male military personnel, categorized by age group. Based on cutoff points established for EB military personnel, the prevalence of REDC was estimated by each anthropometric indicator. To evaluate the differences between the means between the groups, the  Kruskal-Wallis (H) analysis of variance test was used and as a post hoc analysis, the Mann-Whitney (U) test. For all analyzes the confidence level adopted was 95%.

Results: There was a high prevalence of REDC according to all anthropometric indicators examined, in all age groups, except for those up to 20 years of age, and an increase in prevalence was observed as the age group increased, with all groups over 30 years showed a prevalence equal to or greater than 50%.

Conclusion: The high prevalence in the study population indicates that there is a need for health intervention within the scope of EB to encourage changes in healthy habits such as nutrition and level of physical activity, promoting health and preventive medicine. The results were discussed.
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