Introduction: The Military Pentathlon is a discipline composed of five events: rifle shooting, obstacle course, obstacle swimming, grenade throwing and cross-country running. Understanding the contribution of each of them can help in the selection of athletes and planning of training.
Objective: To identify the contribution of the component events of the Military Pentathlon on the performance in the final result of the modality in men and women.
Methods: Observational, cross-sectional study with convenience sampling, which included 173 athletes of both sexes (125 men and 48 women), participants of the 66th World Military Pentathlon Championship. The recorded results of each event were evaluated in pentathlon points (pp) as stated in the rules of the modality. To estimate the degree of influence of each test (independent variables) on the final result obtained (dependent variable), the data were submitted to linear regression.
Results: For men, the highest standardized coefficient (b) was the cross-country running (b=0.322), and the lowest was in throwing of grenades (b=0.209). For women, the highest b was in the shooting (b=0.410), while the least strong was the cross-country running (b=0.196).
Conclusion: The findings of the present study suggest that, for the planning of Military Pentathlon training, there is a scale of importance regarding the emphasis to be employed, and there are differences to be observed between female and male athletes. The results were discussed.
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