Revolution of 1930 in Brazil and Interfaces with the Journal of Physical Education of the Brazilian Army (1932-1934): A Historical Research
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physical education
school physical education
scientific journals

How to Cite

Gomes, R. de S., Novaes , R. C., & Telles, S. de C. C. (2024). Revolution of 1930 in Brazil and Interfaces with the Journal of Physical Education of the Brazilian Army (1932-1934): A Historical Research. Journal of Physical Education, 92(2), 268–280.


Introduction: From the mid-30's, the main pedagogical conception of Physical Education was the hygienist. The main objective then was the teaching of hygiene and health habits, striving for physical and moral development through physical exercise.

Objective: To understand how the sociopolitical changes resulting from the 1930 Revolution, led by Getúlio Vargas, dialogued with the contents published in the Physical Education Journal of the Army, in the period 1932-1934.

Methods: Historical research using microhistory as methodological option, as it allows us to understand the particularities of a given historical moment.

Results and Discussion: The Revolution of 1930 dialogued with the formation of a new man achieved through the practice of physical exercises, and the development of Physical Education in Brazil. The importance of physical exercise in the development of the country and the relevance of women and children in the context of the nation's growth were observed.

Conclusion: The importance of understanding Physical Education from the historical, social and political context.
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