Acute Physiological Effects of the First Session of Operational Military Physical Training (TFMO): A Quasi-Experimental Study
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physical fitness
exercise physiology
physical conditioning
military personnel

How to Cite

Godinho, S. de M., Leandro, Do Nascimento Bastos, P. A., Hugo do Carmo Gama, V., Borges Simões, V., & Raquel Meira Mainenti, M. (2024). Acute Physiological Effects of the First Session of Operational Military Physical Training (TFMO): A Quasi-Experimental Study. Journal of Physical Education, 92(4), 416–426.


Introduction: The Operational Military Physical Training (OMPT) sessions consist of exercises designed to develop the physical state of operational readiness of the troops of the Brazilian Army Readiness Force.

Objective: To examine the physiological effects of a OMPT session on heart rate (HR) and blood lactate.

Methods: This was a quasi-experimental study, with a convenience sample, in which 15 soldiers from a military unit in Rio de Janeiro (Estácio de Sá Battery) were invited to participate. Blood lactate was collected before and after the session, and HR was measured in the neuromuscular and operational task phases. The Shapiro-Wilk test was applied to assess the normality of data distribution. To evaluate the differences between the pre- and post-intervention measures, the paired and unpaired Student's t-test was used.

Results: A total of 15 military personnel participated in the study. The pre- and post- OMPT lactate values were significantly different (p=0.024), and the pre- lactate (mean of 2.58±0.27 mmol/L) was lower than the post-lactate (mean of 3.93±1.22 mmol/L). There was a significant difference in the comparison of the mean HR in the circuit neuromuscular phase with the operational task phase (p<0.001), and the mean HR in the neuromuscular phase was lower than in the operational task phase.

Conclusion: The first session of operational military physical training generated physiological changes in the military in relation to lactate concentration and heart rate. The results were discussed.
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