Analysis of Performance, Stress, Resilience, Personality Factors, and Attention During an Archery Competition Simulation
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psychological stress
sport psychology
psychological resilience
personality factors

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Fentenes da Silva Cardoso, B., Silva, G. C. P. S. M. da, Rolim Lopes Silva, Y., Santos Meireles, A., de Souza Sodré, R., Moreira de Carvalho Monteiro, A. B., Ribeiro Nogueira da Gama, D., & Gomes de Souza Vale, R. (2024). Analysis of Performance, Stress, Resilience, Personality Factors, and Attention During an Archery Competition Simulation. Journal of Physical Education, 92(4), 427–437.


Introduction: Archery is a sport characterized by performing stable movement patterns, with the aim of accurately shooting an arrow at a target. Thus, understanding physical and psychological factors related to performance in the modality is necessary.

Objective: To examine the associations among stress, resilience, personality factors, attention (focused and diffuse), and archery performance.

Methods: Nine archery practitioners of both sexes participated, with a mean age of 38.22±16.40 years, with at least one and a half years of practice in the modality. To characterize the sample, the following parameters were analyzed: wingspan, pull size, one-legged balance and heart rate. During the competition simulation, evaluations of performance, stress, resilience, personality factors and attention were conducted.

Results: An increase (p=0.008) in the concentrated attention was found from the moment before to the post-simulation of archery competition. On the other hand, no significant difference was found in diffuse attention. There were positive correlations between span and pull size (rho=0.902; p= 0.001), time of practice of the sport and total score (rho=0.786; p=0.012), points2 and total points (rho=0.782; p=0.013). Negative correlations were between extraversion and points2 (rho=-0.730; p=0.026) and between resilience and pre-simulation focused attention (rho=-0.676; p=0.045)

Conclusion: Given the associations found between resilience and focused attention, extraversion and second-grade scoring, it is possible to conclude that personality factors can affect the final performance of participants in a simulated archery competition.
pdf (Português (Brasil))


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