Introduction: Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) in brain function is described as influencing the individual's cortical excitability, inducing positive changes in cognitive and motor areas. Thus, tDCS could be identified as an ergogenic resource in the sports environment, in the search for better results.
Objective: To explore the acute effect of tDCS applied to 5,000m runners.
Methods: Experimental study, controlled by Sham (placebo effect), blinded, in male 5,000m runners, aged 18 to 32 years. Eighteen athletes were randomized into the Anodal (n=9, 29±7 years, 63±8 kg) and Sham (n=9, 25±4 years, 67±12 kg) groups. Total running time (t) and peak torque (Pt) were evaluated before and after stimulation.
Results: The running time and speed of the Anodal group was lower compared to the Sham group (p=0.02; 95%CI 0.11–2.32; d=1.24) and (p=0.02, 95%CI 0.05–2.20; d=1.15), respectively. However, no difference was found in Pt (p=0.70).
Conclusion: The findings indicated that tDCS can contribute to acutely optimize the time/speed of 5,000m runners.
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