Introduction: As part of this Special Issue, the Revista de Educação Física / Journal of Physical Education (REF/JPE) presents scientific aspects of physical training to high performance sports and military operational.
Objective: To present and indicate to the readers of REF/JPE the article by Matt Clark, published in an international journal, which provides an overview of the problems related to physical training faced by the US Army.
Conclusion: This study presents, in its first part, eight myths that feed the paradigm of neglect of physical activity during periods of campaign training and preparation for operations and concluded that leaders, at all levels of the chain of command, leaders can and should seek to maximize tactical and physical readiness simultaneously with technical-tactical preparation. This requires abandoning the trade-off paradigm and seeking an integrative solution to build and maintain combat readiness.
Jacobsen A. First Platoon: A Story of Modern War in the Age of Identity Dominance.. First Edition. New York: Dutton; 2021.
Clark M. The Army Has a Physical Fitness Problem, Part 1: Eight Myths that Weaken Combat Readiness. Modern War Institute -United States Military Academy West Poin. https://mwi.westpoint.edu/army-physical-fitness-problem-part-1-eight-myths-weaken-combat-readiness/ [Accessed 4th April 2024].
Kruse K. Norman Schwarzkopf: 10 Quotes on Leadership and War. Forbes. https://www.forbes.com/sites/kevinkruse/2012/12/27/norman-schwarzkopf-quotes/ [Accessed 4th April 2024].
Silva AL da. Determinantes da prática de treinamento físico em militares em missão de paz no Haiti (MINUSTAH) nos períodos pré, durante e pós-missão: um estudo retrospectivo. Revista de Educação Física / Journal of Physical Education. 2018;87(4). https://doi.org/10.37310/ref.v87i4.807.
Oliveira WT de, Saiani CCS. Trade-off Custo-Qualidade na Provisão de Saneamento Básico no Brasil. Estudos Econômicos (São Paulo). 2023;52: 769–808. https://doi.org/10.1590/1980-53575243wocs.
Killian JA, Jain M, Jia Y, Amar J, Huang E, Tambe M. New Approach to Equitable Intervention Planning to Improve Engagement and Outcomes in a Digital Health Program: Simulation Study. JMIR Diabetes. 2024;9: e52688. https://doi.org/10.2196/52688.
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