Does Increasing Cognitive Load Combined with Physical Training Positively Impact the Performance of Soccer Athletes?: A Review of the Work of Staiano & Merlini, 2022
REF / JPE 2023; 92, 3
pdf (Português (Brasil))


cognitive performance
mental fatigue
high performance

How to Cite

Silva, R. B. (2024). Does Increasing Cognitive Load Combined with Physical Training Positively Impact the Performance of Soccer Athletes?: A Review of the Work of Staiano & Merlini, 2022. Journal of Physical Education, 92(3), 383–388.


Introduction: As part of this Special Issue, the Revista de Educação Física / Journal of Physical Education (REF/JPE) presents scientific aspects of physical training to high performance sports and military operational.

Objective: To present and recommend the reading of the study by Staiano & Merlini on the physical, cognitive and multitasking performance enhancement of professional soccer athletes through combined physical-cognitive training.

Conclusion: The negative effects of induced acute mental fatigue, when associated with physical training, have been pointed out as a possible way to increase performance in sports competitions. The results presented by the authors can be used to support the review of the current training protocols for professional soccer athletes, aiming at the inclusion of cognitive tests to improve performance.
pdf (Português (Brasil))


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