Effects of Resistance Training on the Inflammatory Profile of Healthy Elderly People of Both Sexes: Case Series
REF / JPE 2021; 90, 2
pdf (Português (Brasil))


physical exercise
strength training

How to Cite

Braga, P., Maria Peixoto, L. ., Cruz de Oliveira, E., Mauro de Castro Pinto, K., Kappes Becker Oliveira, L. ., & Barbosa Coelho, D. . (2021). Effects of Resistance Training on the Inflammatory Profile of Healthy Elderly People of Both Sexes: Case Series. Journal of Physical Education, 90(2), 134–148. https://doi.org/10.37310/ref.v90i2.2746


Introduction: Low-grade chronic inflammation is caused by aging and interferes with most tissues’ of body metabolism. The literature indicates that the practice of strength training reduces the harmful effects caused by chronic inflammation (diabetes, hypertension and sarcopenia). However, biological aspects can stimulate different responses in men and women.

Objective: To evaluate the effect of long-term strength training (19 weeks) on inflammatory biomarkers CRP and IL-8, strength and anthropometric parameters in apparently healthy elderly people of both sexes.

Methods: Exprimental longitudinal study (19 weeks) in which 40 physically active and healthy elderly (63.90±5.80 years) participated, 14 men and 26 women. The intervention included a strength training program involving large muscle groups, performed three times a week on non-consecutive days, training intensity that progressed 60% to 85% of one repetition maximum (1RM) and 8 to 15 repetitions. Plasma levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) and interleukin-8 (IL-8) were assessed in the first and last week of intervention. The case series format describes the characteristics of a group of patients with a specific disease or who underwent a certain procedure, thus, there was no presence of a control group.

Results: No differences in CRP and IL-8 concentrations were observed in either sex after the intervention.

Conclusion: Resistance training with progressive intensity of long duration (19 weeks) did not change the concentrations of serum inflammatory markers (IL-8 and CRP) in healthy elderly.

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