Introduction: The main characteristic of the systematic review (SR) is to verify in the most diverse areas of knowledge what is described in the literature on a given theme, synthesizing it in a single work. Its elaboration requires practice, study and knowledge of some particularities.
Objective: To present methodological considerations regarding the planning and conduction of SR studies, seeking to identify the organization of an ordered sequence and other aspects involved in its development.
Methods: This is a qualitative methodological analysis using bibliographic research.
Results: Seven sequential stages of the process of elaboration of an SR were identified: 1) Research question; 2) Review protocol; 3) Systematic search; 4) Selection of studies; 5) Reading and evaluation of methodological quality or risk of bias in the studies; 6) Synthesis and analysis; and 7) Writing the report, assessing the certainty of the evidence, and future publication.
Conclusion: The present study represents a complete methodological guide for conducting high-quality SR studies.
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